Thanks for this awesome simulation tool.
As a test I filled a reflective cube (all 6 sides reflective) with metallic density natural Uranium (235-U : 0.007172 the rest is 238-U … No 16-O…) and calculated keff for infinite geometry.
Results are consistently keff=0.425
However I read in ADS literature that MCNPX 2.7 result is 0.816
Other literature suggests around 0.6 k-inf value.
The difference is significant, and I haven’t had the time and patience to review PFNS, (n, xn), inelastic, etc… effects (I remember that I had difficulties estimating inelastic energy loss when I was implementing a simple MC code before openmc was written and became way superior).
Density does not effect keff at infinite geometry, but I tried different (eg. 12.0 … 18.9 ) with same keff=0.425 result. Traces of 234-U present or not makes no significant difference.
Which is the most suitable data library for 238-U with “very fast” (few steps from PFNS) spectrum? Currently using ENDF/B-VII.1
I have no way to verify with physical experiment.
Which is the most relevant (finite geometry) assembly that is, or could be used for validation of 238-U fast-spectrum behavior?
What k_inf is expected for natural Uranium?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Coupled, welcome to the community
I am making a simple case for all three materials (natural Th, natural U, and depleted U) using material composition from PNNL Compendium of Material Composition Data for Radiation Transport Modeling | Report | PNNL
natural.ipynb (101.1 KB)
and I got the same kinf as you when using ENDF/B-VII.1
So I think the kinf calculated by Sahin that you mentioned is using a different approach since that manuscript talked about ADS with its specific geometry and 1GeV proton. I think that the study uses fixed source calculation instead of eigenvalue calculation.
regarding your question
Which is the most suitable data library for 238-U with “very fast” (few steps from PFNS) spectrum? Currently using ENDF/B-VII.1
I think you can use ENDF/B-VII.1 at first, and then compare it with other nuclear data libraries: VIII.0, JEFF, etc. I think all these nuclear data cover incident neutron data for up to 20MeV, some photon data and also a wide range of temperatures, you could check it on the official openmc nuclear data library
about this question
Which is the most relevant (finite geometry) assembly that is, or could be used for validation of 238-U fast-spectrum behavior?
I have no experience in this case, but I have done the criticality primer from MCNP on openmc, and one of their cases (Example 2.5) uses natural uranium as a reflector for their plutonium cylinder if you want to check it. I think the neutron spectrum for that example case is within the fast neutron range.
Each case has a reference keff solution to make sure that we have a good model.