Installation of OpenMC


When I’m searching OpenMC with conda, there are lots of OpenMC with different information. Regardless of the version number, what’s the meaning of the other message, for example, dagmc_mpi_mpich_py37h73a874b_100?
And will it affect my choice of the python version within the openmc-env and cross-section lib?

The extra information there tells you about the build configuration, namely:

  • dagmc / nodagmc = whether OpenMC was built with DAGMC support
  • mpi_nompi / mpi_mpich / mpi_openmpi = whether OpenMC was built with no MPI support, MPI using MPICH, or MPI using OpenMPI
  • py37h73... = based on Python 3.7 (the rest is just a unique build strings)
  • 100 = the build number from conda-forge (i.e., if we update something in the conda build recipe but don’t update the actual version of OpenMC, this number gets incremented)

Okay, I get it.
Thank you very much! @paulromano