I installed OpenMC on my MAC (INL issued). Conda/Mamba complete their process. OpenMC is installed. I ran JEZEBEL.PY and also a couple of other files that I created. OpenMC runs fine. It creates all the required xml. Results appear good.
I am having trouble with plotting packages:
I tried openmc --plot
error is: “Application built with libpng-1.4.12 but running with 1.6.43”.
I then installed opened-plotter
it worked yesterday. but today it is not. Here is the message I get:
Reading settings XML file…
- Reading cross sections XML file…*
- Reading materials XML file…*
- Reading geometry XML file…*
- Reading Pu239 from*
- /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Pu239.h5*
- Reading Pu240 from*
- /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Pu240.h5*
- Reading Pu241 from*
- /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Pu241.h5*
- Reading Ga69 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Ga69.h5*
- Reading Ga71 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Ga71.h5*
- Reading H1 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/H1.h5*
- Reading O16 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/O16.h5*
- Minimum neutron data temperature: 0 K*
- Maximum neutron data temperature: 1.7976931348623157e+308 K*
- Preparing distributed cell instances…*
- Reading plot XML file…*
Traceback (most recent call last): - File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/bin/openmc-plotter”, line 10, in *
- sys.exit(main())*
- File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/main.py”, line 32, in main*
- run_app(args)*
- File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/main.py”, line 73, in run_app*
- mainWindow.loadGui(use_settings_pkl=user_args.ignore_settings)*
- File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/main_window.py”, line 99, in loadGui*
- self.restoreWindowSettings()*
- File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/main_window.py”, line 1072, in restoreWindowSettings*
- self.restoreState(settings.value(“mainWindow/State”))*
- File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/docks.py”, line 311, in resizeEvent*
- self.main_window.resizeEvent(event)*
- File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/main_window.py”, line 1158, in resizeEvent*
- if self.shortcutOverlay.isVisible():*
AttributeError: ‘MainWindow’ object has no attribute ‘shortcutOverlay’
(openmc-env) INL429694:test-openmc dasavr$
can someone help me. INL experts (Michal and Travis) are at PHYSOR. I need to get work done