Install on macOS from CONDA

I installed OpenMC on my MAC (INL issued). Conda/Mamba complete their process. OpenMC is installed. I ran JEZEBEL.PY and also a couple of other files that I created. OpenMC runs fine. It creates all the required xml. Results appear good.

I am having trouble with plotting packages:

I tried openmc --plot
error is: “Application built with libpng-1.4.12 but running with 1.6.43”.

I then installed opened-plotter
it worked yesterday. but today it is not. Here is the message I get:

Reading settings XML file…

  • Reading cross sections XML file…*
  • Reading materials XML file…*
  • Reading geometry XML file…*
  • Reading Pu239 from*
  • /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Pu239.h5*
  • Reading Pu240 from*
  • /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Pu240.h5*
  • Reading Pu241 from*
  • /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Pu241.h5*
  • Reading Ga69 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Ga69.h5*
  • Reading Ga71 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/Ga71.h5*
  • Reading H1 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/H1.h5*
  • Reading O16 from /Users/dasavr/projects/test-openmc/endf8data/neutron/O16.h5*
  • Minimum neutron data temperature: 0 K*
  • Maximum neutron data temperature: 1.7976931348623157e+308 K*
  • Preparing distributed cell instances…*
  • Reading plot XML file…*
    Traceback (most recent call last):
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/bin/openmc-plotter”, line 10, in *
  • sys.exit(main())*
  •         ^^^^^^*
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 32, in main*
  • run_app(args)*
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 73, in run_app*
  • mainWindow.loadGui(use_settings_pkl=user_args.ignore_settings)*
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 99, in loadGui*
  • self.restoreWindowSettings()*
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 1072, in restoreWindowSettings*
  • self.restoreState(settings.value(“mainWindow/State”))*
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 311, in resizeEvent*
  • self.main_window.resizeEvent(event)*
  • File “/Users/dasavr/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 1158, in resizeEvent*
  • if self.shortcutOverlay.isVisible():*
  •   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*

AttributeError: ‘MainWindow’ object has no attribute ‘shortcutOverlay’
(openmc-env) INL429694:test-openmc dasavr$

can someone help me. INL experts (Michal and Travis) are at PHYSOR. I need to get work done


Hi, did you solve the problem by any chance ? It happens the same to me…

Nope. But there is a similar string under a different topic. They identified some solutions for linux and ubuntu etc. You should check that. I liked the plot package but it is a bummer. Let me know if you find some fix.

Could you please tell me the string / topic title you’re referring to ? So it will be easier to find what you told me. I’ll let you know if I find different solutions.

On this same site under user support there is an item “OpenMc plotter aborts when ……” Hope that helps

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I’ve been getting the same error (“Application built with libpng-1.4.12 but running with 1.6.43” followed by a seg fault) on an Apple Silicon MacBook, running in a Rosetta Terminal). First blush suggests to me that it is an old version of OpenMC in the conda-forge repository. But, doing a little research, libpng-1.4.12 is really old. Old enough that I haven’t been able to find a repo for it and leading me to suspect it is a different problem pretending to be a dependency problem.

It would be really awesome if we could get arm64 versions of OpenMC from conda-forge. I’m currently working on setting up a conda environment to do a arm64 compile from scratch. (My build and install fu is really out of date, so I’m having to do a lot of re-education.)

Jeff this is DV Rao. If you ever finish this project and have a MACbook version on Conda let me know.

I see that conda-forge has a useful blog post on ARM support if you are keen to put in a PR to the openmc-feedstock repository that would be great. I see that there are also Snapdragon ARM based CPU heading to Windows laptops soon so I think this ARM support is going to be a growing request.

I’m a dinosaur of 20th century… so am a heavy user but not well versed with Python and Conda. I like OpenMC and am using it on my MacBook (which is currently beating many of the clusters I have access to). Anyone who can post a version that gets rid of plotter issues would be great.

Will do, though there is a lot of figuring out to do on my part. I’m running into linker errors when trying to recompile, so that’s interesting. I’m so out of date!

I think I have put in the PR to create an arm64 version. Waiting on approval.