I don't know how to build a cross section library.

Dear sir:
I am a student who has just contacted openmc. Recently downloaded openmc according to the official website of openmc.

I have successfully installed the openmc 0.10.0 version, the next step is to download a cross section library.

When I type “openmc-get-nndc-data” in the terminal, the error message in the following picture appears.

I found the same error in my old post on the forum, when you said that python can’t call openmc.

so,I typed python in the terminal and then type import openmc. No error was found.

how can I download the cross section library?Can you help me please?

Thank you very much!

In addition, my way to install openmc is to install Anaconda on ubuntu, and then enter the command in turn:
conda config --add channels conda-forge

                        conda install openmc

Hi Jiawei,

Happy to have you as a new user. You can download the NNDC data that has already been converted into the appropriate format for version 0.10.0 here:

Just unpack it and then set your OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable to the absolute path to the cross_sections.xml file within.

Best regards,

Hi Paul

I get the following error with these h5 files

Reading F19 from /home/jshim/openmc/nndc_hdf5/F19.h5
ERROR: HDF5 data format uses version 1.0 whereas your installation of OpenMC
expects version 2.x data.

I did a h5dump on the h5 files and they are in certainly version 1.

When I make my own using (python3 scripts/openmc-get-nndc-data) they are made in version 2 so I guess it depends on the hdf5 version is installed.

However it appears my openmc requires / demands version 2

Also I have another problem, when I make h5 files using the python3 scripts/openmc-get-nndc-data the resulting h5 files miss several MT numbers including mt205 (n,Xt)

So I am a little stuck at the moment with either h5 files in version 2 without the mt numbers or h5 files with lots of mt numbers but in version 1

Also just wondering if anyone has managed to include mt301 (neutron heating number) in their h5 files.



Hi Jon,

Since our last released version, 0.10.0, the format for data files has changed to accommodate the new photon transport capability in OpenMC and the ability to run coupled neutron-photon calculations. In particular, reactions in the HDF5 files are now marked to indicate whether they are “redundant”. Sometimes, it is necessary to include reactions that are otherwise defined as the sum of existing reactions because photon production data may be attached to the redundant summed reaction. A common situation is to see photon production attached to MT=3, which would otherwise not be listed in a file. Thus, with the change in the format, v1 format files can only be used with version 0.10.0 and prior, and v2 files can only be used with the current develop branch and whatever the future release will be. If you want the NNDC data in the new format, here is the tarball:


To address your other specific questions – those MT=20X reactions are gas production reactions and would be redundant. As is, OpenMC was basically just skipping over them, so we decided to just leave them out of the files to save on space a bit. If there is a future use for gas production data in OpenMC, we can add it back in, but the format will probably be different than how it appeared before.

Regarding heating values, we are just starting to plan out how we want to account for energy deposition consistently in OpenMC. This will probably result in the inclusion of heating values, but I’m not sure exactly what it will look like yet, and again, the format will be slightly different. Rather than have a separate “reaction” like MT=301, there would probably be a special dataset within another reaction. For example, for total heating, one could imagine having a ‘heating’ dataset under the MT=1 reaction group. In any event, if you guys over at CCFE have specific desires or needs with respect to heating / energy deposition, I’d be interested in hearing about it so we can try to accommodate your needs as we move forward.

Best regards,

Hello Paul,

Thanks for the converted hdf5 cross sections tar ball.

may i know from which version of ENDF-ACE file these hdf5 library is made?

endf 7.2 or later ?

This particular library is ENDF/B-VII.1.


Thank you…