HDF5 data format uses version 3.0 whereas your installation of OpenMC expects version 1.x data

I am attempting to do a basic validation of a plain vanilla openmc install on a Linux distribution using the default pre-built package and the pre-built data library but it fails with:

ERROR: HDF5 data format uses version 3.0 whereas your installation of OpenMC expects version 1.x data.

This error does not appear to have ever been posted on this group before.

The install was done with:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install openmc

The library is the one linked here:

And I am just trying to run the basic example to verify that the basic setup works.

Is this the same error as this other thread




" conda install openmc" command install openmc version 0.10 by default. For Quick fix,

$ conda install openmc=0.11 python=3.x

No it is the opposite problem. That error you reference is due to a custom built cross section library being 1.X format and they are running 0.11 openmc, which requires 3.x.

My problem (which Ariful Islam Pranto describes a fix for, if it can be applied) is that the install instructions in the Quick Start guide installs the obsolete 0.10 version which cannot read 3.X libraries.
The PPA instructions in the Quick Start guide installs an even more outdated 0.09 version.

The Quick Start guide (either the write up, the repositories themselves, or both) needs to be updated to provide instructions that actually give people a quick start, not an unusable install without information about how to fix it.

Thanks - still not a quick fix as the install fails with incompatible packages (after several hours of solving). I have tried a clean install of Anaconda 2 and Anaconda 3 but both fail with package problems, with and without virtual environment activated.

I do not have to support any legacy Python frameworks for this, I am installing on a clean system and can download any prerequisites needed to make the install work. Can you recommend how I can configure my environment so that the install succeeds?

Hi Carey,

Sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with the conda package (as have others). What linux distribution are you using? Can you paste the output from when you run ‘conda install openmc’? That might help give us some further information about what’s going on. When I try in a clean conda environment on Ubuntu, it does install OpenMC 0.11. I’m not exactly sure why it’s forcing some people on to 0.10.


Hi Paul, thanks for responding.

I was trying this on two different systems, a System76 machine with Pop!_OS and one with Mint Cinnamon.

I have finally gotten this to work by using Miniconda not Anaconda (I think the source of all those package conflicts and hours of solving), and using:
conda install openmc=0.11 python=3.6

This installed fast and cleanly, but did not create a command line alias for openmc, so I added that manually to my .bashrc, and everything is good now.