I see in the https://github.com/openmc-dev/data/blob/master/convert_nndc71.py scrip this only generate the hdf cross section library for 293.7K. How do I generate cross section library for 300K,400K,500K,600K,700K,800K,900K,1000K,1100K,1200K,1300K,1400K,1500K ?
I believe the current convert_nndc71.py does not know about these temperature libraries you mentioned. If you can point me to a download link for these temperatures then we can raise and issue on the openmc data repository and think about adding this feature.
Yes, I know that convert_jeff33.py supports multiple temperatures. I was thinking of same for the ENDF/B, I see the JEFF data is possible for ‘1000’, ‘1200’, ‘1500’, ‘1800’
‘293’, ‘400’, ‘500’, ‘600’, ‘700’, ‘800’, ‘900’, temperatures, is the same not yet possible with ENDF/B?
Any underlying cross section library (set of ENDF files) can in principle be processed to an arbitrary set of temperatures. Many of the libraries that we distribute are just converted from pre-existing ACE libraries where someone else has decided what temperatures to include. The “NNDC” cross sections we use for testing are really just ENDF/B-VII.1 files that were processed by the NNDC at a single temperature. If you want ENDF/B-VII.1 cross sections at multiple temperatures, your options are:
Use our “official” library which has data at 250, 293, 600, 900, 1200, and 2500 K
Use our generate_endf71.py script to generate files at whatever temperatures you wish to have (note that this requires you to install NJOY, and it will take a bit of time to process all nuclides). This is the script that was used to generate the “official” library above.
# Download the source code
git clone https://github.com/njoy/NJOY21.git
# Get the desired version of NJOY21 (1.1.0 in this example)
cd NJOY21
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njoy/signatures/master/NJOY21/1.1.0-NJOY21.json
./metaconfigure/fetch_subprojects.py 1.1.0-NJOY21.json
# Configure the build process
mkdir bin
cd bin
cmake -D fetched_subprojects=true ../
# Build NJOY1
# Test NJOY1
make test
Now, using the generate_endf71.py script to generate files at different temperatures, Can you please guide me how the conversion will work. Should I put the script and utils.py in the same location where I downloaded NJOY? How should I use the NJOY to get the cross sections data?
By default, NJOY21 is compiled using dynamic libraries. If you move the executable, you should move the dynamic library that is generated as well.
For static compiling
So with the NJOY directory set in the bashrc. I have to run this for every single nuclides? also where will i find the endf files? i was trying to use the generate-endf7.py script. how i include the conversation in there?
git clone https://github.com/njoy/NJOY2016.git
cd NJOY2016
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/njoy/signatures/master/NJOY2016/2020-03-31_15:16:37.json
./metaconfigure/fetch_subprojects.py 2020-03-31_15:16:37.json
mkdir bin
cd bin
cmake -D fetched_subprojects=true -Dstatic_libraries=ON -Dstatic_njoy=ON -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static ../