Generating Roentgen in OpenMC


I recently found OpenMC in my search for a open source monte carlo program that allows me to make simulations with roentgen. I have been reading the openMC homepage for a while and can only find informations about photon transports? but not anything concrete about roentgen, anyone know if its possible to simulate roentgen that closely resembles real life in OpenMC(either by crashing electrons into a specified material or by choosing a bremsstrahlung energy graf to directly simulate a source of photons)?

I appreciate all the help i can get


Hi @David.J! I assume you’re asking whether OpenMC can calculate exposure in units of R? I’m not 100% sure as I haven’t done such calculations myself. What you can do is calculate absorbed dose either by 1) tallying energy deposition in a material and converting to units of J/kg (Gy), or 2) applying a dose function to the neutron/photon flux that would directly give you a tally with units of Gy. With the absorbed dose, there may be a conversion factor that you can apply to then get units of exposure. I’m not an expert on this though so hoping others might chime in!