Fuel assembly burnup

I have been trying to do fuel assembly depletion calculation of a typical pwr. I saw the example of pincell depletion calculation. In pincell calculation, as only one fuel rod is there, the volume calculation was pretty much straight forward. But how do I calculate the volume of an assembly? Will I just calculate volume of a single cell or will I multiply the volume of a single fuel pin with the number of pin?
I tried to do the simulation taking only one fuel volume into account like the pincell, but after n0 statepoint, the simulation fails.
Any kind of help would be appreciate. Thank you!

Hi Farshid,

The second option is the appropriate, calculate volume of a single fuel pin and multiply it by the number of fuel pins.


OpenMC depletes materials, not cells, so the volume that you specify should be the total volume of the material that appears in a problem. If each fuel pin has the same material, then yes, you should use the volume of all the fuel pins. If you wanted to deplete each pin separately, you could assign different materials to each of them and then assign the volume of the single pin to each of those materials.


I get following error when calculating depletion of an assembly. The simulation stops after generating n0 statepoin.
    WARNING: Could not compute uncertainties No energy reported from OpenMC tallies. Do your HDF5 files have heating data?

1/ 1123671 Creating state point statepoint.001.h5...
Then it stops.
Any help in this case?