Hi Yue,
I’ll address the depletion related questions specifically, as I know handling symmetry and depletion can be tricky.
First, it looks like all three cases give slightly different trends for your multiplication factor. It could be an artifact of plotting / rendering in the browser, but your first model hits k < 1.125 at day 250, while the first pass at 1/8th symmetry reaches slightly greater than 1.12 at t=250 days. Then, in what is presented as the “right” figure out to day 25, the final k value for ROBIN looks to be around 1.23, which appears lower than the two previous cases. This leads me to think there could be some issue in modeling these symmetric models.
Nonetheless, on to OpenMC. There are two key candidates for errors in my perspective: material divisions and volumes. Looking at your first model, it appears that the outer ring of fuel pins is segmented into halves, with quarter pins at the corner. With reflective boundary conditions, this is fine from a transport perspective. Similarly, in the 1/8 model, some pins are (understandably and correctly) cut in half. Nothing wrong from a transport perspective but this can be a source of error for depletion. This is dependent on how you represent the materials as well.
If you model each fuel pin as the same material (suggested by your lattice images), and do not apply the “diff_burnable_mats” option for the “openmc.deplete.Operator”, then the total volume of your fuel is correct, provided you determined the total volume of all your fuel pins and applied that to the fuel. However, this will cause the entire fuel to be depleted with an average energy spectrum, while each individual pin sees a truly unique spectrum. This affects the one-group reaction rates necessary for depletion, which in turn will change the overall evolution of you materials. If your deterministic code is depleting the entire fuel as a single material as well, then this is not a source of error.
Issues with material volumes can arise when applying symmetry and using this automated material differentiation. If you have N fuel pins each with the same material, and that material has a volume V, N unique materials will be created, each with a volume V/N. If you have a pin that is bisected in half, however, the true volume of this pin should be V/(2N), and thus the total number of atoms in that material will be off by a factor of 2. This could be a driver behind the increasing difference between ROBIN and OpenMC in the second figure depleted out to 250 days.
Finally, I am surprised to hear that dividing both the fuel volume and power density by 8 gave you better agreement with ROBIN. Is this supposed to be the figure depleted out to 25 days? If you have a full assembly generating a power of W, then (if volumes are properly handled), the 1/8 model would generate a power of 1/8 as well. Yet, the power density should remain the same. The OpenMC line in the figure depleted out to 25 days appears to be greatly over depleted.
Could you clarify what figure corresponds to what model and power density?