error message appears when using -t or --track option

Hi, everyone,

I have a problem when i tried to run the openmc executable directly from a directory with -t option:
openmc -t /home/elbakkali/openmc/examples/basic

but the alternatively way, works fine:
cd /home/elbakkali/openmc/examples/basic; openmc

this problem appears just for -t option and every other OpenMC options works fine.

Can you describe what the problem is when you try to use that option?


@bahmedj, Thanks for reporting this error. As a side note, -t is meant as a debugging tool and it outputs a bunch of data files so you might not want to use it on a big simulation like examples/basic.

@Paul, I have been able to reproduce this error. Specifically, the error is “Settings XML file ‘settings.xml’ does not exist!” There is a similar error that occurs when running particle restart files. For example, running this in the test_particle_restart_eigval directory will run without failing but will not output a track:


openmc -r particle_12_842.binary -t

But this will fail with the same settings.xml error:

openmc -t -r particle_12_842.binary

I’ve taken a look at read_commandline. I don’t know entirely what’s wrong, but it is related to the “i = i + 1” in the track case.



I get the following error message :
Reading settings XML file…
ERROR: Settings XML file ‘settings.xml’ does not exist! In order to run OpenMC,
you first need a set of input files; at a minimum, this includes
settings.xml, geometry.xml, and materials.xml. Please consult the user’s
guide at for further information.

Thanks for reporting this. I just fixed the problem in the ‘develop’ branch so it will be part of the next release.

Best regards,

OK, Thanks.