error from openmc-get-nndc-data

Hi there,

I’m new to OpenMC. I’m sorry if the answer of this problem is obvious.

I installed the 0.9.0 version by PPA(the computer system is ubuntu 16.04LTS). When I try to get cross-section data by using openmc-get-nndc-data command, however there’s an error “command not found”. Then I downloaded OpenMC package from, and set the PATH to the absolute path of the openmc-get-nndc-data script. When I execute openmc-get-nndc-data again, there’s another error “No module named”.

Many Thanks.

Hi Vivi,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It appears that the debian package that is installed via the PPA is not installing the Python API and associated scripts appropriately. I will look into this issue further and see if I can get an updated package in the PPA that corrects the error.


Vivi – I just updated the PPA and believe the Python API and associated scripts should function correctly now. If you are still experiencing issues after updating, feel free to send another message.


Hi Paul,

Thank you very much for your quick update! And It works well.
But now I have another small problem about “run_mode”.
I use ERSN-GUI to create input files. Enclosed please find the documents I created and the error I got.
If there’s no “run_mode” term in setting xml file, I can obtain calculation results.
I’m sorry if the answer is very simple.

Screenshot from 2017-06-03 12-58-48.png

Hi Paul,

I’m sorry for my previous problem.
Actually I shouldn’t use <fixed_source> </fixed_source> term in setting.xml file.
Now the new version is running well on my computer.
Thank you very much for your help and time.
Have a good day.
