Error building OpenMC 0.7.1

  I am trying to build the latest OpenMC 0.7.1 but I constantly get
the error:

module fox_m_fsys_abort_flush
pathf95-855 pathf95: ERROR FOX_M_FSYS_ABORT_FLUSH, File = /home/install/openmc-0.7.1/src/xml/fox/fsys/fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90, Line = 1, Column = 8
  The compiler has detected errors in module "FOX_M_FSYS_ABORT_FLUSH". No module information file will be created for this module.

pathf95-386 pathf95: ERROR PXFABORT, File = /home/install/openmc-0.7.1/src/xml/fox/fsys/fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90, Line = 107, Column = 10
  The expression following a STOP/PAUSE must be a scalar character expression or an unsigned integer constant.

pathf95: PathScale(TM) Fortran Version 6.0.570 (f14) Sat Jan 01, 2033 00:00:00
pathf95: file '/tmp/pathcc-i-358266b7.i' with 2 Error(s)
pathf95: "explain pathf95-message number" gives more information about each message

What could be the reason of this error and how can I build OpenMC correctly?

  Thank you!

I found the cause of the error. I had the EKOPath installed, which
was invoked instead of GCC Fortran compiler.
I deleted it and now it seems to work. Sorry for the noise.
