Dear Dr. @Shimwell,
I could get the damage-energy data for the Fe isotpes. However, this is one value (mean). can I extract the energy and cross-section data for each isotope. For example for energies CCFE-709 I should have 709 values of cross-section.
Also I have used energies in 100 group structure, does the openmc.deplete method regroup the cross-section data for these energies. Jupyter-notebook code is below
example from Dr. Shimwel
import openmc
import openmc.deplete
import numpy as np
openmc.config[‘chain_file’] = ‘/home/solps/OPENMC/CROSS_SECTIONS/chain-endf-b8.0.xml’
openmc.config[‘cross_sections’] = ‘/home/solps/OPENMC/CROSS_SECTIONS/endfb-viii.0-hdf5/cross_sections.xml’
Fe as material
my_material = openmc.Material()
my_material.add_element(‘Fe’, 1, percent_type=‘ao’)
my_material.set_density(‘g/cm3’, 7)
materials = openmc.Materials([my_material])
precalculated neutron spectra in units of n/cm2
using 100 energy group structure
micro_xs = openmc.deplete.MicroXS.from_multigroup_flux(
energies= np.array([1.000E-10, 1.000E-09, 1.000E-08, 2.300E-08, 5.000E-08, 7.600E-08, 1.150E-07, 1.700E-07,
2.550E-07, 3.800E-07, 5.500E-07, 8.400E-07, 1.275E-06, 1.900E-06, 2.800E-06, 4.250E-06,
6.300E-06, 9.200E-06, 1.350E-05, 2.100E-05, 3.000E-05, 4.500E-05, 6.900E-05, 1.000E-04,
1.350E-04, 1.700E-04, 2.200E-04, 2.800E-04, 3.600E-04, 4.500E-04, 5.750E-04, 7.600E-04,
9.600E-04, 1.275E-03, 1.600E-03, 2.000E-03, 2.700E-03, 3.400E-03, 4.500E-03, 5.500E-03,
7.200E-03, 9.200E-03, 1.200E-02, 1.500E-02, 1.900E-02, 2.550E-02, 3.200E-02, 4.000E-02,
5.250E-02, 6.600E-02, 8.800E-02, 1.100E-01, 1.350E-01, 1.600E-01, 1.900E-01, 2.200E-01,
2.550E-01, 2.900E-01, 3.200E-01, 3.600E-01, 4.000E-01, 4.500E-01, 5.000E-01, 5.500E-01,
6.000E-01, 6.600E-01, 7.200E-01, 7.800E-01, 8.400E-01, 9.200E-01, 1.000E+00, 1.200E+00,
1.400E+00, 1.600E+00, 1.800E+00, 2.000E+00, 2.300E+00, 2.600E+00, 2.900E+00, 3.300E+00,
3.700E+00, 4.100E+00, 4.500E+00, 5.000E+00, 5.500E+00, 6.000E+00, 6.700E+00, 7.400E+00,
8.200E+00, 9.000E+00, 1.000E+01, 1.100E+01, 1.200E+01, 1.300E+01, 1.400E+01, 1.500E+01,
1.600E+01, 1.700E+01, 1.800E+01, 1.900E+01, 2.000E+01]),
temperature=294, # endf 8.0 has [‘1200K’, ‘2500K’, ‘250K’, ‘294K’, ‘600K’, ‘900K’]
chain_file= openmc.config[‘chain_file’],