Discrepancy in Transmutation Products

Hi all.

I’ve got a strange discrepancy that I am seeing in my depletion results.

I’m running a depletion, where I expect to get N-16 out as a product. Using the .get_atoms() command, I see that my N-16 conc. builds up through reactor life. However, when I use the results.export_to_materials(-1) (to get an .xml for the last time-step), N-16 is no-where to be seen.

This makes me wonder whether I am not tracking any other isotopes, which I can’t see in the .xml results file.

Any input on this would be great thanks, as it has left me quite confused.

Hi Harry,
Can you send us the depletion_results.h5 and summary.h5 files to inspect?

It might also be worth checking that the chain file being used contains the productivity routes for N16 and also that your materials have the nuclides needed for those production routes.