My thesis supervisor and I were trying to compare results between OpenMC and Serpent. I created LFR core model using OpenMC and he created the same core in Serpent (based on this document: https://art.inl.gov/ART%20Document%20Library/Advanced%20Demonstration%20and%20Test%20Reactor%20Options%20Study/Attachment_4_Westinghouse_LFR_DR.pdf), however there is a mismatch between keff results:
OpenMC → keff = 1.11666 +/- 0.00009
Serpent → keff = 1.14695 +/- 0.00015
I checked both geometries and materials used several times and everything between these two models seems the same. For both simulations we used the same settings (particles/active/inactive - 75000/1000/100) and the same nuclear data library (ENDF/B-VIII.0).
Is such a big difference between OpenMC and Serpent simulation possible (assuming that the models are identical) or there is just some kind of mistake that I can’t find? I’m still relatively new to OpenMC (and overall to monte carlo codes) so there is a possibility that something in my model could be wrong. Below I attach files for both OpenMC and Serpent models (with .py file extension because of .inp being an unauthorized one).
I’d be grateful if somebody could point me in the right direction.
DLFR_Serpent.py (15.2 KB)
DLFR_OpenMC.ipynb (419.2 KB)
geometry.xml (20.2 KB)
materials.xml (4.8 KB)
settings.xml (326 Bytes)