Dagmc mode unsupported build openmc

Hello, i was trying to run example “CAD-BASED-GEOMETRY”, but i get error “DAGMC Mode unsupported for this build of OpenMC”. I already try to install dagmc on github and documentation of openmc, but still get error. Could you tell me how to fix that error?

Thank you

@anas Can you provide more information on your build steps? How did you install it? What command did you use to build OpenMC?

i using this youtube tutorial for installing openMC and setting its configuration.

Then, when i try to run CAD-Based-Geometry tutorial and get error about dagmc, i try to install dagmc with this link :


But i still get error.

Thank you :pray:

@anas For DAGMC support you have to install openmc from the source.

# Dependency
sudo apt-get install git libhdf5-dev g++ -y

# create a conda env
conda create -n openmc-dev cmake python=3.9 vtk jupyterlab -y
conda activate openmc-dev

# Download
mkdir -p $HOME/opt/build && cd $HOME/opt/
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/openmc-dev/openmc.git
mkdir openmc_install && cd  $HOME/opt/build

cmake ../openmc -Ddagmc=on \
	-Ddebug=on \
	-Doptimize=on \

make -j4 install

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/opt/openmc_install/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

cd ../openmc && pip install .

Now you have openmc with DAGMC support.


Sorry sir, i already try this and still can’t running.

@anas Can you give some more details with step by step installation process, e.g, MOAB, DAGMC?

@anas Take a look at this Colab notebook, save to your Google Drive or local hard disk, and later you can open it by choosing File -> Open Notebook.


Hope this will help!