Creating a voxel of only a specific region

Dear experts @paulromano @pshriwise , I only want to view or create the voxel of a certain area in OpenMC. For example, in the reactor example, creating only the voxel of the bundle section.

vox_plot = openmc.Plot()
vox_plot.type = 'voxel'
vox_plot.width = (100., 100., 50.)
vox_plot.pixels = (400, 400, 200)

What changes should I make in this code script?

One extra property you might want to set is the origin

Try adding to center the plot away from the default 0,0,0

vox_plot.origin = (10.0, 30.0, 20.0)

Dear expert, for example, when I transfer my vti file to Paraview, I get an image like this, but I only want to see my bundle voxel here.Which code should I add to my code file to display only fuel bundle?

I would use Paraview and use the Threshold options to filter out the material ID you are not interested in.

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