Chain Depletion


Please, someone can tell me if the depletion chain generated by the script “openmc-make-depletion-chain” (which creates the file “chain_endfb71.xml”) can be used to analyze advanced systems such as liquid salt cooled reactors?



Hi Javier,

The main drawback to that script is that your capture branching ratios will not match the true spectrum of your problem. Instead, I would first recommend using either the Fast Spectrum ENDF/B-VII.1 Chain or Fast Spectrum Simplified Chain found at Alternatively, if you have a more representative collection of isomeric branching ratios, you can apply these to any depletion chain using the openmc.deplete.Chain.set_branch_ratios method.



Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply, now, I am having a new issue. In a previous post, it was recommended setting the OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable, I did it and my depletion analysis was running. Today, I restarted the computer and I am having again the error message “OSError: No cross_sections.xml specified in materials.” I followed the steps to set up the OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable but it is not working.

Any idea on what may be happening?


Hi Javier,

That exception is only raised if the OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS is not set. You can see the code where that comes from here (notice the check first for OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS):

To double check, you could open a Python interactive prompt and make sure it can see the environment variable. For example, on my machine this is what I get:

~ $ python
Python 3.7.5 (default, Oct 31 2019, 12:53:15)
[GCC 9.2.1 20191008] on linux
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

import os

Best regards,

Hi Paul,

Thanks for replying.
One more time, I followed what was suggested but unfortunately the problem persists. Please, see what I did:

Hi guys,

Now, I defined the environment variable modifying the.bashrc file and it is working. It seems I was doing wrong. Here what I did:

~ vi .bashrc ~ vi .bashrc
export OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS=/path/to/cross_sections.xml
~$ source .bashrc
