CANDU adjuster rods display

I’m trying to model a 3D CANDU core with control reactivity devices.
I have a lattice of adjuster rods placed at three z-planes in 7 different x-positions.

e = adj_edge_univ
c = adj_central_univ
x0_coord = [-102.925,-45.775,11.375,68.525,125.675,182.825,239.975]
pitch_x = 57.15
pitch_y = 342.9
pitch_z = 74.295
lower_left = (-200.025, -pitch_y/2, -3*pitch_z/2)
x0 = openmc.XPlane(x0=-1000)
x1 = openmc.XPlane(x0=1000)
y0 = openmc.YPlane(y0=-1000)
y1 = openmc.YPlane(y0=1000)
z0 = openmc.ZPlane(z0=-1000)
z1 = openmc.ZPlane(z0=1000)
outer_region = +x0 & -x1 & +y0 & -y1 & +z0 & -z1
outer_cell = openmc.Cell(region=outer_region)
outer_univ = openmc.Universe(cells=[outer_cell])
adjuster_lattice = openmc.RectLattice()
adjuster_lattice.pitch = (pitch_x, pitch_y, pitch_z)
adjuster_lattice.lower_left = lower_left
adjuster_lattice.universes = [[[e, c, c, c, c, c, e]]]*3
adjuster_lattice.outer = outer_univ
adjuster_cell = openmc.Cell(fill=adjuster_lattice, region = outer_region)
adjuster_universe = openmc.Universe(cells=[adjuster_cell])

When I’m plotting the geometry in root_univ, it seems that adjuster rods are displacing the core model (attached jpg).

core_outer = openmc.ZCylinder(r=core_or,boundary_type=‘vacuum’)
core = openmc.Cell(fill=center_core_lattice,region=-core_outer & +fuel_z0 & -fuel_z1)
root_univ = openmc.Universe(cells=[core,adjuster_cell])

How should I change the code to embed the set of rods into the core?
Thanks in advance!