Building the demain/openmc:latest container


I attempted to use the docker build -t debian/openmc:latest command to build a Docker container after docker run openmc/openmc:latest and ended up with this error. Is there a way to fix this?

Thank you

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I just ran the same command and was able to reproduce this error.

My first thought is that we have seen a few changes to the cmake recently and I’m wondering if something has changed there.

Running the docker build on the main branch appears to work
docker build -t debian/openmc:latest

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Thank you, that worked! Also, I’m trying to use docker pull debian/openmc:latest to then use docker run -p 8888:8888 debian/openmc:latest and open a Jupyter Notebook, similar to the ukaea/openmcworkshop. However, after I try the first command the PowerShell says the request to access resource is denied. Is there a way to pull up debian/openmc in a Jupyter Notebook?

One way to run Jupyter on a the openmc docker image is to modify the docker image

Add some additional lines to the bottom of the openmc Dockerfile
RUN pip install jupyterlab
CMD [“jupyter”, “lab”, “–notebook-dir=/tasks”, “–port=8888”, “–no-browser”, “–ip=”, “–allow-root”]

Then build the docker image locally

Another option would be to overwrite the entry point with a command that installs and runs jupyter

ps the docker image ukaea/openmcworkshop happens to be one I made while there. Unfortunately it was not maintained after I moved :cry: . I made a new improved workshop and docker image which is can be found here

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Thanks. How do I add those lines? I can’t find an edit feature in Docker.

ah sorry this would require cloning the openmc repository, editing the Dockerfile with a text editor and building locally the docker file in the terminal, these commands are a rough guide and assume you have vs code installed

git clone
cd openmc
code Dockerfile
# add extra jupyter commands to dockerfile and save file
docker build -t openmc .
docker run -p 8888:8888 openmc
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The first three commands and the editing seemed to work well, but the docker build -t openmc . ran into my original problem with the cmake. I tried to add the #main redirect after but had no luck. Thanks.

[Follow up: the PowerShell now lets me use docker pull openmc/openmc, however when I tried to use docker run -p 8888:8888 openmc/openmc I received no output. docker pull openmc by itself doesn’t work, so I guess docker build -t openmc . needs to work first in order for the powershell to pull the newly built openmc dockerfile.]

interesting, is there any chance you can make it to the drop in session today, we can do a screen share and see what can be done to fix this

I’ve reproduced this compile error.

Yes I can make it to that. Thank you!