Accessing content of depletion_results.h5

So because my computer isn’t capable of heavy duty I had to run openmc on barkla cluster which was done and the simulation was completed and the usual files were yielded at the end but because i can’t use jupyter notebook on cluster as such I had to download the .h5 file and was wondering how I could access the data in it. Currently I can grab the eigenvalue k and the error through python externally but not able to get the depletion of isotopes.

Hey hhhnain,

You don’t need jupyter to do this. Just run the commands from the example jupyter notebooks in a normal python script.

To get the isotopes, these are found in the depletion results (delpete.ResultsList) object you get from loading the depletion files. You can find documentation on that here.

I don’t immediately see a way to just get all the nuclides out of the file, but you can access the whole list of nuclides by indexing into the ResultsList items, which are deplete.Results objects. These have a data member called “.data” that should be an array of all nuclides concentrations over time.

If you told me the specific analysis you want to do on the nuclide concentrations, I could give more specific advice.

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hi, thank you for the reply. I managed to solve the problem, all i needed to do was import openmc.deplete to get rid of the error.

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