Xtensor error when compiling the openmc-0.12

Hi everyone,
when I compile the OpenMC-0.12, some error occured in the cmake process, I don’t know how to fixed it.

Which version of cmake are you using, @zhaozelong? My guess you are using the package manager installed CMake. If so, then update your cmake

pip install cmake

Hope this will help

As @Pranto suggests, this probably indicates that your CMake version is insufficient. Namely, in the if command, the version_greater_equal option was added in CMake 3.7, so if you are using 3.6 or lower, it won’t work.

Thanks Pranto,
Actually, my Cmake Version is 3.5. When I update the cmake version to 3.9, the cmakelists.txt file work and no error occur, that’s amazing, thanks very much.

Thanks Paul,
When I update my cmake from 3.5.1 to 3.9, it works. Wow, Thanks.