I need pre-made chain data for a fast reactor. Does anyone know where i can maybe find such samples.
You can find depletion chains (including for a fast spectrum) here:
thank you very much. The implementation of it is the same as the simple chain reaction code right?
Iām not sure what you mean by āsimple chain reaction codeā. The depletion chain file specifies data needed for depletion calculations such as half-lives, decay modes, what reactions to consider for transmutation purposes, fission product yields, etc. OpenMC uses this information to construct the burnup matrix and predict how nuclide concentrations change over time. The reaction rates for those reactions being considered are determined during a transport simulation.
My apologies. The first thing I did when I was introduced to openmc was follow the pincell depletion tutorial and it uses a file called pre made file called āsimplechainā or something so was basically asking if I just swap that with one of the more advanced libraries the premade code would still work but from the new source
Yes, the format of the full chains on openmc.org is the same as the simple chain (which is just used for testing).