WARNING: Failed to find a mesh intersection on a tally mesh filter.

I have installed the new version of OpenMC (ver. 0.9.0).

I edit my XML files directly.

The following message appears after every few batches:

WARNING: Failed to find a mesh intersection on a tally mesh filter.

Can you please tell me what needs to be done in order to run computations without this warning?

I am including the XML files.

Thanks so much!


Shawn Wachter

geometry.xml (3.79 KB)

materials.xml (4.44 KB)

plots.xml (1.92 KB)

settings.xml (1.67 KB)

tallies.xml (1.84 KB)

Hi Shawn,

The short answer is that this happens because of the nature of your mesh definition, in particular the extent in the y direction is very small relative to the overall size of the geometry. If you’re building the code from source, there’s a simple change you can make that will avoid the issue. In src/tally_filter.F90, there’s an integer parameter called MAX_SEARCH_ITER that is currently set to 100. Set this to some higher value (1000 seems to work for me) and the warning messages will go away.

Best regards,