WARNING: Could not find the cell containing particle 505877

I am modeling a deuterium-tritium fuel pellet undergoing thermonuclear fusion, at a temperature of ___ and a density of ___. This produces neutrons with energies of ___ MeV uniformly throughout the fuel pellet. I am attempting to get the neutron energy spectrum emerging from this fuel pellet and then graph it. However, it seems like it does not like my geometry. When I reduce the number of particles, or decrease the density or increase the radius, it is fine, but at the proper conditions, it gives me the following output:

 Reading settings XML file...
 Reading cross sections XML file...
 Reading materials XML file...
 Reading geometry XML file...
 Reading H2 from cross_sections_data/H2.h5
 Reading H2 WMP data from cross_sections_data/wmp/001002.h5
 Reading H3 from cross_sections_data/H3.h5
 Reading H3 WMP data from cross_sections_data/wmp/001003.h5
 Minimum neutron data temperature: 250.0 K
 Maximum neutron data temperature: 2500.0 K
 Reading tallies XML file...
 Preparing distributed cell instances...
 Writing summary.h5 file...
 Maximum neutron transport energy: 20000000.0 eV for H3

 ===============>     FIXED SOURCE TRANSPORT SIMULATION     <===============

 Simulating batch 1
 Simulating batch 2
 Simulating batch 3
 Simulating batch 4
 Simulating batch 5
 Simulating batch 6
 Simulating batch 7
 Simulating batch 8
 Simulating batch 9
 Simulating batch 10
 Simulating batch 11
 Simulating batch 12
 Simulating batch 13
 WARNING: Particle 1232008 underwent maximum number of events.
 Simulating batch 14
 WARNING: Particle 692464 underwent maximum number of events.
 Simulating batch 15
 Simulating batch 16
 Simulating batch 17
 Simulating batch 18
 WARNING: Could not find the cell containing particle 505877
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/number1son100/Desktop/TF_Link_Verification/neutron_simulate.py", line 7, in <module>
  File "/home/number1son100/Desktop/TF_Link_Verification/neutron_methods.py", line 274, in run
  File "/home/number1son100/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openmc/executor.py", line 227, in run
    _run(args, output, cwd)
  File "/home/number1son100/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openmc/executor.py", line 38, in _run
    raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
RuntimeError: OpenMC aborted unexpectedly.

Does anybody know why this might be? I believe my geometry is simple and should have no gaps in it at all. This was done when running the neutron_simulate.py script, included below along with the function file neutron_methods.py.


import openmc
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def expand_temperatures():
    D = openmc.data.IncidentNeutron.from_njoy('D.endf', temperatures=[300., 600., 1000.])


    Inputs:     materials       Empty materials object, to be filled by the function
    Outputs:    None
    Purpose:    Defines all necessary materials, so they can be referenced in other functions
                Saves materials to an xml file, to be used by openmc when it is run
def material_setup(materials):
    # Set cross-sections path
    materials.cross_sections = "cross_sections_data/cross_sections.xml"

    D_T = openmc.Material()
    D_T.name = 'D-T'
    D_T.add_nuclide('H2', 0.5, 'ao')
    D_T.add_nuclide('H3', 0.5, 'ao')
    D_T.set_density('g/cm3', 300)
    D_T.temperature = 10*1000/(8.617333262*10**(-5))

    # Export Data to File

get_material(materials, name)

    Inputs:     materials       Materials object holding all relevant materials
                name            String indicating the name of the material desired
    Outputs:    The material object desired
    Purpose:    Searches the materials object for the material with the name provided
def get_material(materials, name):
    for material in materials:
        if material.name == name:
            return material

geometry_setup(radius, materials)

    Inputs:     radius          The radius of the fuel pellet
                materials       Materials object holding all relevant materials
    Outputs:    cells           A list of cells to be used in setting cell tallies
    Purpose:    Defines all necessary geometry and regions of space, and saves this data to an xml file
                The two regions are the fuel pellet and a thin layer without it that is empty
def geometry_setup(radius, materials):

    # Setup arrays to hold objects of import
    surfaces = []
    cells = []
    radii = []

    # Define fusion region inside the pellet
    surf = openmc.Sphere()
    surf.r = radius*1.0
    surf.name = "Inner Region"
    shape = -surf
    material = get_material(materials, 'D-T')
    cell = openmc.Cell(fill=material, region=shape)
    cell.name = surf.name

    # Set the thickness of the outer empty shell to be one percent of the pellet radius
    thickness = radius*0.01

    # Define the outer surface of the model
    surf = openmc.Sphere()
    surf.r = radii[0] + thickness
    surf.name = "Outer Surface"
    surf.boundary_type = 'vacuum'

    # Generates the outer cell and adds it to the list
    shape = +surfaces[0] & -surf
    cell = openmc.Cell(region=shape)
    cell.name = "Empty Outer Shell"

    # Sets the root universe to include all the cells that were just created
    root_uni = openmc.Universe()

    # Export this root universe as a geometry object to an xml file
    geom = openmc.Geometry(root_uni)

    return cells


    Inputs:     radius          The radius of the fuel pellet
    Purpose:    Defines the neutron source in the fusion region to emit 14.1 MeV neutrons
                isotropically throughout
def settings_setup(radius):

    # Ensure thet the simulation is fixed source
    settings = openmc.Settings()
    settings.run_mode = 'fixed source'

    # Set the number of batches and particles used in the simulation
    settings.particles = 1500000
    settings.batches = 150
    settings.generations_per_batch = 1
    settings.inactive = 0

    # (Hopefully) set up settings for doppler broadening
    settings.resonance_scattering['enable'] = True
    settings.resonance_scattering['mode'] = 'rvs'
    settings.resonance_scattering['energy_min'] = 0
    settings.resonance_scattering['energy_max'] = 15e6

    # Define the neutron source region, which will emit 14.1 MeV neutrons
    r = openmc.stats.Uniform(0.0, radius)
    phi = openmc.stats.Uniform(0, 2*math.pi)
    theta = openmc.stats.Uniform(0, math.pi)
    source = openmc.Source()
    source.space = openmc.stats.SphericalIndependent(r, phi, theta)
    source.angle = openmc.stats.Isotropic()
    source.energy = openmc.stats.Discrete([14.1e6], [1.0])
    settings.source = source

    # Temperature Settings to allow for high temperature simulations with low temperature cross-sections
    settings.temperature["method"] = "nearest"
    settings.temperature["tolerance"] = 1000000000
    settings.temperature["range"] = (0.0, 1000000000)
    settings.temperature["multipole"] = True

    # Set the output folder for results
    settings.output = {
        'path': 'results',

    # Export the settings to an xml document

create_energy_spectrum(range, scale):

    Inputs:     range           Range over which energy spectrum is generated
                scale           Scale by which the energies are multiplied
    Outputs:    energies        Array of energies with this range and scale in increments of 0.05
    Purpose:    Creates an array of energies with this range and scale in increments of 0.05
def create_energy_spectrum(range, scale):

    # Create the spectrum of energy ranges that will be differentiated when tallying the flux
    step = 0.05
    last = 0.0
    energies = [last]

    while energies[len(energies)-1]<range*scale:
        next = last+step
        last = next
    return energies


    Inputs:     cells           A list of the different cells used, omitting the inner one, so flux can be calculated accross them
    Purpose:    Sets a tally so that the flux across each radius of interest, and at different energies, will be recorded by openmc
def tallies_setup(cells):

    # Generate an energy spectrum between 0 and 20 MeV
    energies = create_energy_spectrum(20,10**6)

    # Make tallies to keep track of flux at different radii and at different energies, omitting the empty inner region
    cell_filter = openmc.CellFilter(cells[-1])
    energy_filter = openmc.EnergyFilter(energies)
    tally = openmc.Tally()
    tally.filters = [cell_filter, energy_filter]

    # Specify that only flux should be counted
    tally.scores = ['flux']

    # Export this tally information to an xml file
    tallies = openmc.Tallies([tally])

    return energies


    Inputs:     radius          The radius of the fuel pellet

    Purpose:    Creates the setup files needed for openmc to run the simulation, based on the configuration data provided
def setup(radius):
    # Initialize Materials File
    materials = openmc.Materials()

    # Generate necessary xml files
    cells = geometry_setup(radius, materials)
    energies = tallies_setup(cells)

    return energies


    Inputs:     energies        Array of energies to use in plotting
    Purpose:    Processes the flux data, and then prints and plots as requested
def process_results(energies):

    # Grabs the flux data from a file
    global flux
    flux = []

    sp = openmc.StatePoint('results/statepoint.150.h5')

    # Processes the data to appear in an array that is offset from the energy spectrum
    tally = sp.get_tally(scores=['flux'])
    tally.mean.shape = (1,len(energies)-1)
    values = np.array(tally.mean)
    flux = values[0]
    # Offsets the energy spectrum to align with the data, which was gathered from energy ranges, not discrete energies
    new_energies = []

    for i in range(len(energies)):
        if i != 0:
            new_energies.append(((energies[i]-energies[i-1])/2.0 + energies[i-1])/10**6)

    energies = new_energies

    # Plot flux as a function of energy, in arbitrary units
    plot = plt.semilogy(new_energies, flux, marker='')
    plt.xlabel("Energies (MeV)")
    plt.ylabel("Flux (Arbitrary Units)")
    plt.title("Flux in a D-T fusion fuel pellet")

run(r_i, length, r_frc, elongation, regions, degrees)

    Inputs:     radius          The radius of the fuel pellet
    Purpose:    Creates the setup files needed and then runs openmc. Once results are generated, prints the desired results to console and then plots them, if asked to.
def run(radius):

    # Sets up the xml files for the simulation
    energies = setup(radius)

    # Runs the simulation
    import os
    # Find the data and plot it


import neutron_methods
import math

radius          = 333.3*10**-6

# Run the simulation

Have you found an explanation to this issue?
I have been facing the same problem yesterday and can’t really figure out what’s the cause. I’m running a CAD geometry and I encountered this error only after several hours my simulation had started.

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Hi @number1son100. I looked into your model a bit and found that there are a few bugs that are resulting in this behavior. Most importantly, a lost particle should not result in a segfault like you are seeing. I just submitted a pull request to fix this behavior. There is a deeper geometry bug as well that we need to address but that will take more work. For now, the fix I submitted will at least allow you to simulate this model. Some particles will still be lost, but the fraction is very low and the results should still be reliable.

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Hm, I get the feeling this comes from spawning a source particle very, very close to the inner sphere surface, and miscalculating the side of the surface the particle is on.

Seems like it shouldn’t be bad to debug! Now, we should have our code just be more robust, but have you tried setting your source to be within a sphere of 0.999999*radius rather than radius? The particle here is being lost at the beginning of its history, I am pretty sure. If not, it is a secondary particle getting lost at the beginning of its life.

PS: resonance scattering is most likely not doing anything here since there are no nuclides with resonances present. Although I suppose

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Thank you very much! This is reassuring. I had no idea whatsoever what I was doing wrong with my geometry.

Additionally, I suspected the same thing. I did try doing that, and even used a multiplier of just 0.9. It didn’t make a significant different on my end.