Greetings everyone,
I am a master’s student and I am trying to get the transport cross sections from different regions, to calculate the respective diffusion coefficient. However, I am having trouble using RegularMesh in conjunction with the openmc.mgxs module.
I create several RegularMesh for the regions under analysis. For example:
tallies = openmc.Tallies ()
groups = openmc.mgxs.EnergyGroups ([0., 0.625, 20.0e6])
mesh1 = openmc.RegularMesh ()
mesh1.dimension = [1,1]
mesh1.lower_left = [min_x1, min_y1]
mesh1.upper_right = [max_x1, max_y1]
transportXS_mesh1 = openmc.mgxs.TransportXS (domain_type = ‘mesh’, domain = mesh1, groups = groups)
tallies + = transportXS_mesh1.tallies.values ()
mesh2 = openmc.RegularMesh ()
mesh2.dimension = [1,1]
mesh2.lower_left = [min_x2, min_y2]
mesh2.upper_right = [max_x2, max_y2]
transportXS_mesh2 = openmc.mgxs.TransportXS (domain_type = ‘mesh’, domain = mesh2, groups = groups)
tallies + = transportXS_mesh2.tallies.values ()
tallies.export_to_xml ()
After simulating with (), I try to retrieve the tally to know the transportXS cross section of the respective meshes, however, the value results in the same value.
sp = openme.StatePoint (‘statepoint.050.h5’)
transportXS_mesh1.load_from_statepoint (sp)
transportXS_mesh1.print_xs ()
transportXS_mesh2.load_from_statepoint (sp)
transportXS_mesh2.print_xs () # Same value as transportXS_mesh1
Has anyone had this same problem? or know how to solve it?
Best Regards,