Tritium Breeding


I am running a test case for tritium production in an infinite spherical reactor the script is provided below. I am expecting the TBR to be in the range of 1.10 - 1.20 for the FLiBe material I am using due to the (n, 2n) reaction that Be should have with neutron energies above ~2 MeV. However, I am only getting a TBR of ~1 with no leakage and the (n, 2n) reaction in beryllium is only 2%. Can someone help me understand if there is an error in my code or if its something else? I would expect a higher (n, 2n) reaction rate in Be. Any help would be great!

Thanks (2.8 KB)

I think this is a nuclear data typo. Try changing your score from 105 to ‘(n,Xt)’ or ‘H3-production’ as MT105 does not include MT205.

You might also want to increase Li6 enrichment from 5 to around 90 percent