TRISO capabilities for spherical annulus?


I’m trying to model a pebble with TRISOs in a thin annular layer near the pebble surface - see attached plot of my attempt to create this using the ‘sphere’ shape in OpenMC and filling an annular universe with the TRISO lattice. Are there any capabilities in OpenMC to generate TRISO coordinates for a spherical annulus that don’t involve cutting TRISOs at the inner radius of the annulus? If not, how involved would it be to add ‘spherical_annulus’ as an option to the ‘domain_shape’ input parameter in openmc.model.pack_trisos(…) ?



plot_1.ppm (469 KB)

Hi April,

I added a spherical shell domain type for TRISO packing – for now you can find it on the triso-spherical-shell branch on my fork if you want to play around with it. openmc.model.pack_trisos() takes the additional argument ‘domain_inner_radius’, and ‘domain_shape’ should be set to ‘spherical shell’.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Hi Amanda,

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I never got an email notification that there was activity here…

