Hello all!
I’ve been doing transmutation calculation with Rhodium with OpenMC and comparing them with known results from FISPACT-II. I cannot post my code because I’m a new user but I will add as text at the end. Nevertheless, I’m getting a much lower result for the same neutron energy spectrum and neutron flux.
Isotope | OpenMC | FISTPACT-II |
Rh103 | - 1.18 % | -9% |
In my simulation I use an isotropic neutron source with a particular energy spectrum, this source is at the center of an 1.5 cm rhodium sphere so all the neutrons are generated within it and interact with the material.
Also, the FISTPACT-II says that almost 90% becomes Pd (Pd102+Pd104) and my OpenMC simulation has this value around 54% with most of the rest, 44.6%, becoming Ru102.
Is this an error of how I setup the simulation, should I tally it in another way? Or is this an difference between these codes?
My code
import openmc as op
import openmc.deplete
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
chain_filename = "/home/tcsousa99/openmc_projects/Rh-transmutation/chain_endfb80_pwr.xml"
openmc.config['chain_file'] = chain_filename
chain = openmc.deplete.Chain.from_xml('/home/tcsousa99/openmc_projects/Rh-transmutation/chain_endfb80_pwr.xml')
# Define rhodium material
radius = 1.5
rhodium = op.Material(name='Rhodium')
rhodium.add_element('Rh', 1.0, percent_type='ao')
rhodium.set_density('g/cm3', 12.41)
volume_sphere = 4/3 * math.pi * math.pow(radius, 3)
rhodium.volume = volume_sphere
rhodium.depletable = True
materials = op.Materials([rhodium])
sph1 = openmc.Sphere(r=radius, boundary_type='vacuum')
# Define cell containing Rhodium
source_cell = op.Cell(fill=rhodium, region=-sph1)
#universe = op.Universe(cells=[source_cell])
geometry = op.Geometry([source_cell])
energy_values = [
1.2e-01, 1.3e-01, 1.4e-01, 1.5e-01, 1.7e-01, 1.9e-01, 2.1e-01, 2.4e-01, 2.6e-01, 2.9e-01,
3.2e-01, 3.6e-01, 4.0e-01, 4.6e-01, 5.6e-01, 7.1e-01, 8.8e-01, 1.12e+00, 1.46e+00, 1.88e+00,
2.4e+00, 3.06e+00, 3.89e+00, 4.88e+00, 6.09e+00, 7.67e+00, 9.71e+00, 1.214e+01, 1.532e+01, 1.913e+01,
2.357e+01, 2.865e+01, 3.485e+01, 4.397e+01, 5.733e+01, 7.2e+01, 8.911e+01, 1.1044e+02, 1.361e+02, 1.6592e+02,
2.0674e+02, 2.5577e+02, 3.0997e+02, 3.6947e+02, 4.2646e+02, 5.129e+02, 6.3026e+02, 7.8001e+02, 9.8166e+02, 1.24392e+03,
1.58295e+03, 1.89701e+03, 2.24678e+03, 2.84736e+03, 3.60268e+03, 4.69139e+03, 6.0916e+03, 7.86558e+03, 9.87871e+03, 1.253548e+04,
1.654332e+04, 2.058981e+04, 2.35302e+04, 2.533669e+04, 2.919571e+04, 3.514691e+04, 4.284074e+04, 5.182769e+04, 6.01786e+04, 6.789949e+04,
7.79768e+04, 9.431335e+04, 1.120268e+05, 1.290276e+05, 1.527468e+05, 1.831146e+05, 2.17507e+05, 2.529592e+05, 2.813009e+05, 3.183361e+05,
3.908826e+05, 4.759756e+05, 5.582925e+05, 6.221372e+05, 6.551776e+05, 7.348871e+05, 8.637569e+05, 1.002912e+06, 1.190408e+06, 1.398369e+06,
1.649158e+06, 1.895047e+06, 2.119077e+06, 2.400841e+06, 2.670828e+06, 3.137938e+06, 3.843547e+06, 4.635082e+06, 5.365174e+06, 6.106454e+06,
7.063861e+06, 8.051461e+06, 8.895515e+06, 9.495932e+06, 9.968319e+06, 1.088905e+07, 1.181362e+07, 1.218616e+07, 1.244237e+07, 1.261551e+07,
1.274771e+07, 1.292576e+07, 1.310631e+07, 1.328937e+07, 1.352221e+07, 1.395315e+07, 1.439316e+07, 1.464451e+07, 1.479733e+07, 1.495234e+07,
1.510843e+07, 1.521358e+07, 1.537296e+07, 1.564230e+07, 1.597117e+07
probability_values = [
5.75e-12, 6.19e-12, 9.27e-12, 1.39e-11, 2.43e-11, 1.61e-11, 2.86e-11, 4.81e-11, 4.20e-11, 7.36e-11,
9.97e-11, 1.55e-10, 1.60e-10, 3.50e-10, 6.06e-10, 8.47e-10, 9.64e-10, 1.61e-09, 2.18e-09, 2.81e-09,
3.50e-09, 4.72e-09, 5.73e-09, 6.71e-09, 9.07e-09, 1.22e-08, 1.63e-08, 1.85e-08, 2.80e-08, 2.85e-08,
3.85e-08, 3.89e-08, 5.71e-08, 8.61e-08, 1.27e-07, 1.11e-07, 1.72e-07, 1.84e-07, 2.48e-07, 2.56e-07,
4.38e-07, 4.02e-07, 5.39e-07, 5.08e-07, 5.10e-07, 1.07e-06, 1.12e-06, 1.76e-06, 2.22e-06, 3.11e-06,
4.03e-06, 2.79e-06, 4.70e-06, 7.84e-06, 8.60e-06, 1.67e-05, 1.63e-05, 2.70e-05, 2.35e-05, 4.45e-05,
6.32e-05, 5.30e-05, 4.16e-05, 2.26e-05, 1.03e-04, 9.07e-05, 1.75e-04, 1.50e-04, 1.70e-04, 1.44e-04,
2.94e-04, 4.31e-04, 3.91e-04, 4.88e-04, 8.66e-04, 9.41e-04, 1.22e-03, 1.17e-03, 7.76e-04, 1.78e-03,
3.97e-03, 3.37e-03, 3.69e-03, 1.31e-03, 1.01e-03, 5.78e-03, 5.37e-03, 6.20e-03, 8.39e-03, 6.95e-03,
1.06e-02, 5.65e-03, 7.07e-03, 6.90e-03, 4.52e-03, 1.12e-02, 1.11e-02, 1.30e-02, 8.26e-03, 1.07e-02,
1.25e-02, 1.20e-02, 1.01e-02, 7.69e-03, 9.51e-03, 2.61e-02, 9.63e-03, 6.14e-03, 7.67e-03, 3.46e-03,
1.20e-02, 1.76e-02, 2.47e-02, 4.06e-02, 1.10e-01, 3.12e-01, 1.35e-01, 6.06e-02, 1.70e-02, 1.21e-02,
4.44e-03, 2.33e-03, 1.17e-03, 5.40e-04, 2.82e-04
# Define the source
source = op.IndependentSource()
source.space = op.stats.Point((0,0,0))
source.angle = op.stats.Isotropic()
source.energy = op.stats.Discrete(energy_values, probability_values)
source.particle = 'neutron'
settings = op.Settings()
settings.batches = 4
settings.inactive = 0
settings.particles = 10000
settings.source = source
settings.run_mode = 'fixed source'
model = op.model.Model(geometry, materials, settings)
time_steps = [30]*6
flux_neutrons = 3.9e14 #in cm^-2 s^-1
#flux times surface area of the sphere since this is the considerable area and all neutrons that start isotropically are going outward to the sphere
rate_per_second = flux_neutrons * 4 * math.pi * math.pow(radius,2)
source_rates = [rate_per_second]*6 #this rate per second is considered constant during the 30 day period
dpl = openmc.deplete.CoupledOperator(model, chain_file= chain_filename, normalization_mode='source-rate', reduce_chain = True, reduce_chain_level = 3)
integrator = openmc.deplete.PredictorIntegrator(dpl, time_steps, source_rates, timestep_units='d')
results = openmc.deplete.Results("depletion_results.h5")
times, number_of_Rh104 = results.get_atoms(rhodium, 'Rh104', time_units="d")
_ ,number_of_Rh103 = results.get_atoms(rhodium, 'Rh103', time_units='d')
_ ,number_of_Rh102 = results.get_atoms(rhodium, 'Rh102', time_units='d')
_ ,number_of_Ru102 = results.get_atoms(rhodium, 'Ru102', time_units='d')
_ ,number_of_Pd102 = results.get_atoms(rhodium, 'Pd102', time_units='d')
_ ,number_of_Pd104 = results.get_atoms(rhodium, 'Pd104', time_units='d')
# Total number of Rh103 atoms lost
initial_Rh103 = number_of_Rh103[0]
final_Rh103 = number_of_Rh103[-1]
lost_Rh103 = initial_Rh103 - final_Rh103
# Number of atoms of each product formed
number_of_Rh104_formed = number_of_Rh104[-1]
number_of_Rh102_formed = number_of_Rh102[-1]
number_of_Ru102_formed = number_of_Ru102[-1]
number_of_Pd102_formed = number_of_Pd102[-1]
number_of_Pd104_formed = number_of_Pd104[-1]
# Calculate the percentage of each product
percentage_Rh103 = (lost_Rh103 / initial_Rh103) * 100
percentage_Rh102 = (number_of_Rh102_formed / lost_Rh103) * 100
percentage_Rh104 = (number_of_Rh104_formed / lost_Rh103) * 100
percentage_Ru102 = (number_of_Ru102_formed / lost_Rh103) * 100
percentage_Pd102 = (number_of_Pd102_formed / lost_Rh103) * 100
percentage_Pd104 = (number_of_Pd104_formed / lost_Rh103) * 100
# Print the results
print(f"Percentage of Rh103: - {percentage_Rh103:.4f}%")
print(f"Percentage of Rh104: - {percentage_Rh104:.4f}%")
print(f"Percentage of Rh102: + {percentage_Rh102:.4f}%")
print(f"Percentage of Ru102: + {percentage_Ru102:.4f}%")
print(f"Percentage of Pd102: + {percentage_Pd102:.4f}%")
print(f"Percentage of Pd104: + {percentage_Pd104:.4f}%")