statepoint tally group structure

Hello, OpenMC users!

I’m using to get some group fluxes. I would also like to get the group structure out of the statepoint. I know that in tallies.out we have entries like this:

Incoming Energy [1.00000E-09, 1.02329E-09)
Material 1
Total Material
Flux 2.29036E-06 +/- 1.86798E-06

However, when I try sp.extract_results(1, flux)[“energyin”] I just get an array of the energy bin indices, that looks like [1., 2., …, 1000.].

What I would like is the group structure instead - what’s the correct incantation for this?


Hi John,

The correct incantation would be sp.tallies[0].filters[‘energyin’].bins.
