Shannon Entropy

I have modelled a full-core Enhanced Candu 6 reactor, and measured the Shannon entropy in the following figure,

Shannon Entropy

As you can see it converged within about 4 batches around 10.7. I was wondering if this is correct as this seems too fast for a full core reactor, especially since I decided to use a point source at the origin to see how long a bad source would take. I used the bounding box method, with a matrix of size 22 X 22 X 12, with setting, 500 batches, 10,000 particles/gen, and 10 gens/batch. The boundary conditions were vacuum, set at the outside of the Calandria vessel.

As an aside questions, I have seen some discussions around k-eff for depletion calculations in how they should not be too close to critical, but I was wondering what the exact reasoning, along with how close should you get. This was in older discussions on openmc, so this might be outdated.

What is your keff value?

My keff is basically critical, but I increased my matrix size by double, so 44 X 44 X 24, and increased the particles/gen to 1,000,000 while reducing gens/batch to 1 since I realized gens were essentially batches when doing Shannon entropy. This resulted in around ~20 particles per matrix, and seems to have fixed my issue. Now it took about 80-100 batches, but I think I’m going to run the simulation overnight with 500 batches to double check, because I’m not certain is has completely converged. Thanks for your comment though.

Shannon Entropy-1000000

If anyone still happens to know the answer to my second question that would be helpful, as I still don’t know if I should do depletion while close to critcal/supercritical.