I am converting the source term defined in mcnp format to openmc format. In mcnp I have source defined by following way:
sdef x=d1 y=d2 z=110.0 vec=0 0 1 dir=1 erg=4.0E-8 wgt=2.839E+9 par=n tr=176
si1 -1.27 1.27
sp1 0.0 1
si2 -2.54 2.54
sp2 0.0 1
tr176 0 -610.0920133 322.1794357 0 90 90 90 35.38 54.62
When I am trying to convert it to openmc format , I am creating the following steps;
x_dist = openmc.stats.Discrete([-1.27, 1.27], [0.0,1])
y_dist = openmc.stats.Discrete([-2.54, 2.54], [0.0, 1])
z_dist = openmc.stats.Discrete([110],[1])
spatial1 = openmc.stats.CartesianIndependent(x_dist, y_dist, z_dist)
source = openmc.Source(spatial1)
my question if how I can rotate the source object as mcnp does with the transform card tr176 0 -610.0920133 322.1794357 0 90 90 90 35.38 54.62