Rotating cylinder

Hello everyone!

I would like to rotate a cylinder around origin, but not for 90 degrees. I know that this can be done with cell filled with universe and with rotation matrix. But I would like to do it on region (surface) level, because I need to use complement for construction the surrounding regions.

I’m new at OpenMC therefore I apologise if the subject was already open. If it was can you please direct me to it. Thank you.


I solved problem with rotating cylinder around origin with a help of rotation matrix. Like Shawn Wachter said I used a »quadric« function. First I multiplied rottation matrix with vector (x, y, z, 1) and I get a new vector (xn, yn, zn, 1n). Then I used a new vector (xn, yn, zn, 1n) in equation of cylinder from where the coefficients for quadric equation were determined which can be used in OpenMC. I programed this in Mathematica.

I hope this will help.

Best whishes,

Ingrid Vavtar


I am attaching a code for rotating cylinders in Mathematica. The cylinder is sucesfully rotated using rotation matrix (all comments for code are in the file) and ouput of the code is value of each parameter for quadratic function which can be used in OpenMC. Even though I sucesfully rotated cilinder, OpenMC still report an overlapping (it can be modeled, but it can’t be used in numerical calculations). If you have any quations, recommendations or improvements for code let me know.

Best regards,

Ingrid Vavtar

cylinder_rotation.nb (275 KB)