Replicating Dr Shimwell's examples (cross sections of all elements))

Hi all,

I am novice at openMC, learning from examples available here . I am unable get the plot for multiple elements to show their respective cross sections. I am using the following line of codes

fig = openmc.plotter.plot_xs(
axis = ax,
reactions = {
‘H’: [‘(n,2n)’],
‘He’: [‘(n,2n)’],
‘Li’: [‘(n,2n)’],
‘Be’: [‘(n,2n)’],
I am receiving the error: plot_xs() missing 2 required positional arguments: ‘this’ and ‘types’. I have gone through the documentation and have solved it with individual elements and openmc.Material() but it seems to not work when I try multiple elements or material.

I would appreciate a helping hand.


Hi Yogesh

Sorry for the confusion. We just upgraded the plotting to support multiple mixed reactions and this is on the development version of openmc. To plot cross sections with this particular argument set you need the development version of openmc 0.13.4-dev

It looks like you have openmc version 0.13.3 or older installed.

To make use of the development version you can install from source in a few ways

Naturally you can always make use of this prebuilt neutronics environment with the examples and the latest version of development openmc installed if you prefer.

All the best
