I am trying to generate sab cross sections for Uranium and Oxygen in UO2 using openmc.data.njoy. I am getting error message for both of them which i can’t understand.
for Uranium, the error message is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “test.py”, line 8, in
vari = njoy.make_ace_thermal(‘U238.endf’, ‘UinUO2.endf’, temperatures=[600.], ace=‘c_U_in_UO2.ace’, xsdir=‘c_U_in_UO2.xsdir’)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/openmc-0.9.0-py3.5.egg/openmc/data/njoy.py”, line 348, in make_ace_thermal
data = _THERMAL_DATA[mat_thermal]
KeyError: 76
while for oxygen, the error i am getting is
reconr… 0.0s
—message from lunion—xsec nonzero at threshold for mt=600
adjusted using jump in xsec
broadr… 0.4s
thermr… 0.7s
wrote thermal data for temp = 2.9600E+02 10.1s
thermr… 10.1s
warningmaximum value of beta limits the allowed energy transfer
the sct approx. will be used for transfers larger than 2.024 ev.
wrote thermal data for temp = 2.9600E+02 41.7s
acer… 41.7s
—message from acesix—emax reset to 4.0000E+00
At line 749 of file /home/osboxes/NJOY2016/src/aceth.f90 (unit = 10, file = ‘/tmp/gfortrantmp3un0iN’)
Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file
i have downloaded the files from https://t2.lanl.gov/nis/data/endf/index.html. Can you please help me with this?