Pincell model error while attempting to calulate keff


I am relatively new to openmc. I have created a test pincell model. But i tried to account for the height of the pincell and this led to termination of the process with the following error message.
#error message
WARNING: After particle 251 crossed surface 511 it could not be located in any
cell and it did not leak.
WARNING: After particle 126 crossed surface 511 it could not be located in any
cell and it did not leak.
WARNING: After particle 626 crossed surface 511 it could not be located in any
WARNING: After particle 501 crossed surface 510 it could not be located in any…

import openmc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
openmc.config.cross_sections = ‘/openmc/cross-sections/cross_sections.xml’

Define Materials

materials = openmc.Materials()

Active Fuel Material

uo2 = openmc.Material(name=‘uo2’)
uo2.set_density(‘g/cm3’, 10.66)
uo2.add_nuclide(‘U235’, 0.114313381)
uo2.add_nuclide(‘U238’, 0.761063318)
uo2.add_nuclide(‘U234’, 0.001758667)
uo2.add_nuclide(‘U236’, 0.002198334)
uo2.add_nuclide(‘O16’, 0.11839)
uo2.add_element(‘Al’, 0.000250000000)
uo2.add_element(‘C’, 0.000100000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Ca’, 0.000100000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Mg’, 0.000100000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Cl’, 0.000025000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Cr’, 0.000250000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Co’, 0.000100000000)
uo2.add_element(‘F’, 0.000015000000)
uo2.add_element(‘H’, 0.000001300000)
uo2.add_element(‘Fe’, 0.000500000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Ni’, 0.000250000000)
uo2.add_element(‘N’, 0.000075000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Si’, 0.000500000000)
uo2.add_element(‘Th’, 0.000010000000)

Fuel Clad/Zircaloy-4 Material

zr4 = openmc.Material(name=‘Zr4’)
zr4.set_density(‘g/cm3’, 6.5)
zr4.add_element(‘Zr’, 0.9792948)
zr4.add_element(‘Fe’, 0.0024000)
zr4.add_element(‘Cr’, 0.0013000)
zr4.add_element(‘Sn’, 0.0169999)
zr4.add_element(‘B’, 0.000002971)
zr4.add_element(‘B’, 0.0000006713)
zr4.add_element(‘He’, 0.000001652)

Moderator Material

h2o = openmc.Material(name=‘h20’)
h2o.set_density(‘g/cm3’, 0.99825)
h2o.add_nuclide(‘H1’, 0.111898)
h2o.add_nuclide(‘O16’, 0.888102)

Export materials to XML


Define Cylindrical Surfaces

fuel_outer_radius = openmc.ZCylinder(r=0.215)
clad_inner_radius = openmc.ZCylinder(r=0.215)
clad_outer_radius = openmc.ZCylinder(r=0.275)
water_inner_radius = openmc.ZCylinder(r=0.6192)

Define Z-Planes for height

z_min = -11.5 # cm
z_max = 11.5 # cm
z_top = openmc.ZPlane(z_max)
z_bottom = openmc.ZPlane(z_min)

Define Regions

fuel_region = -fuel_outer_radius & +z_bottom & -z_top
clad_region = +clad_inner_radius & -clad_outer_radius & +z_bottom & -z_top

Create Cells

fuel = openmc.Cell(name=‘fuel’)
fuel.fill = uo2
fuel.region = fuel_region

clad = openmc.Cell(name=‘clad’)
clad.fill = zr4
clad.region = clad_region

pitch = 0.6192 *2
left = openmc.XPlane(-pitch/2, boundary_type=‘reflective’)
right = openmc.XPlane(pitch/2, boundary_type=‘reflective’)
bottom = openmc.YPlane(-pitch/2, boundary_type=‘reflective’)
top = openmc.YPlane(pitch/2, boundary_type=‘reflective’)

Update water_region to use boundary conditions

water_region = +left & -right & +bottom & -top & +clad_outer_radius & +z_bottom & -z_top
moderator = openmc.Cell(name=‘moderator’)
moderator.fill = h2o
moderator.region = water_region

Define Root Universe

root_universe = openmc.Universe(cells=[fuel, clad, moderator])

Define Geometry

geometry = openmc.Geometry()
geometry.root_universe = root_universe

Export geometry to XML


Define Source

source = openmc.Source() = openmc.stats.Box(
lower_left=[-11.5, -11.5, -11.5],
upper_right=[11.5, 11.5, 11.5]

source.strength = 1.0 # Normalized value or based on empirical data

Define Settings

settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.batches = 100
settings.inactive = 10
settings.particles = 1000
settings.run_mode = ‘eigenvalue’

Define Tally

tally = openmc.Tally()
tally.filters = [openmc.CellFilter([,,])]
energy_filter = openmc.EnergyFilter([1e-5, 0.625, 0.825, 20.0])
tally.scores = [‘flux’]

Add Tally to Tallies Collection

tallies = openmc.Tallies([tally])


Run the simulation

please note that the code runs without any error when i remove the height variable that defines the height of the cylinder.

please suggestions on how to resolve this will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi Asukua, welcome back to the community.
As you said before, the problem might come from the reality that you forgot to add boundary conditions to your z plane so openmc thinks that this surface has transmission BC. Try to use reflective BC since 2×11.5 is quite short for a PWR fuel pin height, but if you use the full height of your reactor fuel pin, you can use vacuum BC.

z_top = openmc.ZPlane(z_max, boundary_type=‘reflective’)
z_bottom = openmc.ZPlane(z_min, boundary_type=‘reflective’)

Also, you can check your geometry by using openmc geometry debug, it will check the cell overlaps and more
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Thanks so much.

It worked perfectly.

The pincell wasnt intended to be that of a PWR. Its for actually small. Its for an MNSR, a tank-in-pool type reactor similar to SLOWPOKE reactors.

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okay, then the vacuum boundary condition might fit your requirements.
glad to hear that.

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