Hello all,
I am having an issue in a shielding simulation. My model consists of different cylinders, each one filled with a different material (see figure). In the center, I have positioned two point sources, one neutron source and the other is a photon source. As I have both energy spectra, I am using openmc.stats.Tabular to inform them (following the recommendations in this post). I wish to tally the fluxes, then I created a mesh (101 x 101 elements) and particle filters.
The mesh has 10 201 elements. Then, the number of particles (200 000) divided by the total number of mesh elements is around 20 (following the recommendations in this post). The simulation went okay. I tried to load the results by using:
sp = openmc.StatePoint(‘statepoint.300.h5’)
tally_flux_photons = sp.get_tally(name=‘Half Domain Photons’).get_pandas_dataframe()
but in the ‘tally_flux_photons’ DataFrame the ‘mean’ column does not appear. Then, looking at the ‘tallies.out’ file, I realized that I am getting a photon flux equals to ‘NaN’. However, when doing the same simulation using 25 000 particles l do not have this issue. The number of batches is 300 in both cases.
Here are the two ‘tallies.out’ files.
Please, someone could tell what is causing this issue?
Thank you,