First of all, I’m sorry for the delay of a month before replying, because I am a newbie in computer programming. During this time, I successfully compiled the openmc version using openmp offload through your prompts (the compilation supports openmp offload clang takes a lot of time)
When I couldn’t wait to try some calculations, I found that tally could not be counted using Rectilinear Meshes. This seems to be because the GitHub - exasmr/openmc: OpenMC Monte Carlo Code source code itself does not support it. And some functions don’t seem to be supported either, e.g. openmc.stats.PowerLaw. I would like to know if anyone is continuing to develop the function of this openmp offload version?
Minimum neutron data temperature: 294.0 K
Maximum neutron data temperature: 294.0 K
Reading tallies XML file…
ERROR: Rectilinear Meshes Not Yet Supported On Device!