I have a question regarding coupling between openmc and ansys or any thermal hydraulic software.
I would like to calculate the coolant/moderator density along the axis for a fuel assembly by ansys ahich I have already done .Then want to include those data of density along the axis for certain fuel assembly in openmc .openmc will calculate the power/neutron flux along the axis for fuel assembly.
How I will insert or include the density along the axis data from fuel assembly to calculate the power/neutron flux along the axis in openmc?
Please reply.
Thanks in advance.
There’s no “easy” answer to this. Performing coupling between multiple codes is usually a difficult endeavor. We have been working on a coupling between OpenMC and Nek5000 (a CFD code) through an application called ENRICO. The coupling happens in-memory through functions defined in the OpenMC C/C++ API. For most purposes, it would probably be easier to write, say, a Python script that reads information from ANSYS or whatever other external software and creates a modified OpenMC model using that information, but it would still be up to you to decide how to do the “mapping” between the two codes.
Best regards,