OpenMC runtime error

Hi all,

I just installed OpenMC 0.90 on a vm and when try to run a simulation, I get an error. The last lines of the output are:

Reading tallies XML file…
Initializing source particles…

===============> FIXED SOURCE TRANSPORT SIMULATION <===============

Simulating batch 1…
At line 46 of file /home/sharef8/openmc/src/random_lcg.F90
Program aborted. Backtrace:

Program aborted. Backtrace:

Fortran runtime error: Index ‘0’ of dimension 1 of array ‘prn_seed’ below lower bound of 1

Does anyone know, how to solve it?

Hi Juan,

I’ve never heard of anyone encountering an error like this. Would you be able to share your input files or an equivalent example from which I can try to reproduce this error?


Hi Paul,

I was working with OpenMC in the summer as part of my internship, but I am currently not working on it anymore, so I can’t provide input files/example. If I ever encounter it again, I will provide a minimal test case, so that you the error can be reproduced.

Still, I would like to thank you for being active on this forum and helping the users (and me) when we encounter problems or we are stuck. The help is greatly appreciated.