Number of particles collimated by a neutron collimator

Hi. I wanted to simulate a neutron collimator and find out how many particles it could collimate but it did not work. May I know what I should correct in the below code:

Define the materials

hdpe = openmc.Material(material_id=1, name=“HDPE”)

hdpe.add_element(“C”, 2)

hdpe.add_element(“H”, 4)

hdpe.set_density(“g/cm3”, 0.96)

lead = openmc.Material(material_id=2, name=“Pb”)

lead.add_element(‘Pb’, 1)

lead.set_density(‘g/cm3’, 11.34)

highvacuum = openmc.Material(material_id=3, name=‘high vacuum’)

highvacuum.add_nuclide(‘H2’, 2.0) # Deuterium

highvacuum.set_density(‘kg/m3’, 1e-8) # Very low density

lowvacuum = openmc.Material(material_id=4, name=‘low vacuum’)

lowvacuum.add_nuclide(‘H2’, 2.0)

lowvacuum.set_density(‘kg/m3’, 1e-5)

feed_gas = openmc.Material(material_id=5, name=‘deuterium’)

feed_gas.add_nuclide(‘H2’, 2.0) # Deuterium

feed_gas.set_density(‘kg/m3’, 0.0003207) # Density of deuterium gas at 4 mbar

materials = openmc.Materials([hdpe, lead, highvacuum, lowvacuum, feed_gas])

Define the collimator dimensions

outer_radius = 2.45 # cm

inner_radius = 1.9 # cm

length = 18.5 # cm

source_distance = 1.0 # cm

scintillator_distance = 3.4 # cm

chamber_width = 3.5 # cm

chamber_length = 15.0 # cm

Create the collimator geometry

collimator_outer_surface = openmc.XCylinder(surface_id=1, r=outer_radius, boundary_type=‘vacuum’)

collimator_inner_surface = openmc.XCylinder(surface_id=2, r=inner_radius, boundary_type=‘vacuum’)

collimator_front_surface = openmc.XPlane(surface_id=3, x0=length / 2, )

collimator_back_surface = openmc.XPlane(surface_id=4, x0=-length / 2, )

scintillator_position = openmc.XPlane(surface_id=5, x0=-(length / 2) - scintillator_distance, boundary_type=‘vacuum’)

source_position = openmc.XPlane(surface_id=6, x0=length / 2 + source_distance,)

chamber_wall_right = openmc.YPlane(surface_id=7, y0=chamber_width)

chamber_wall_left = openmc.YPlane(surface_id=8, y0=-chamber_width)

chamber_front = openmc.XPlane(surface_id=9, x0=-chamber_length)

chamber_back = openmc.XPlane(surface_id=10, x0=chamber_length)

Define the regions

collimator_region = -collimator_outer_surface & +collimator_inner_surface & -collimator_front_surface & +collimator_back_surface

aperture_region = -collimator_inner_surface

entry_region = +collimator_front_surface & -chamber_back

exit_region = -collimator_back_surface & +scintillator_position

empty_region = +collimator_outer_surface & -chamber_wall_right & +chamber_wall_left & -chamber_back & +chamber_front

lead_region = -collimator_outer_surface & -collimator_back_surface & +chamber_front & ~exit_region

Define the cells

collimator_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id=1, region=collimator_region, fill=hdpe)

aperture_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id=2, region=aperture_region, fill=lowvacuum)

entry_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id=3, region=entry_region, fill=feed_gas)

exit_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id=4, region=exit_region, fill=highvacuum)

empty_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id=5, region=empty_region, fill=lowvacuum)

lead_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id=6, region=lead_region, fill=lead)

Define the geometry and add the cells to the geometry

geometry = openmc.Geometry(openmc.Universe(cells=[collimator_cell, aperture_cell, entry_cell, exit_cell, empty_cell, lead_cell]))

Create the settings

settings = openmc.Settings()

settings.run_mode = “fixed source”

settings.particles = 1000000

settings.batches = 20

settings.inactive = 0

settings.source = openmc.Source(space=openmc.stats.Point((length / 2 + source_distance,0,0)), energy=openmc.stats.Discrete([2.5e6], [1]))

Create the tallies

tally = openmc.Tally(name=“neutron_collimation”)

tally.scores = [‘flux’, ‘absorption’, ‘elastic’, ‘scatter’, ‘total’, ‘events’]

tally.filters = [openmc.CellFilter(entry_cell), openmc.CellFilter(aperture_cell), openmc.CellFilter(collimator_cell), openmc.CellFilter(exit_cell), openmc.CellFilter(empty_cell), openmc.CellFilter(lead_cell)]

tallies = openmc.Tallies([tally])

Create the plot

plot = openmc.Plot()

plot.filename = “collimator”

plot.width = (35.0, 35.0)

plot.pixels = (500, 500)

plot.color_by = “material”

plot.colors = {hdpe: “green”, lead: (165, 42, 42), highvacuum: ( 47, 79, 79), lowvacuum: (176, 196, 222), feed_gas: ‘blue’}

plots = openmc.Plots([plot])

Run the simulation

model = openmc.model.Model(geometry, materials, settings, tallies, plots)

sp_filename = model. Run()

sp = openmc.StatePoint(sp_filename)

flux_tally = sp.get_tally(name=‘neutron_collimation’)

df = flux_tally.get_pandas_dataframe()


Thank you. Regards.