Hello @fsabab,
My question is actually more about the different methods of normalization in OpenMC.
How many are there? What are their differences and how can I change them? For example, in Serpent2, there are 4 ways of calculating the deposited energy (“set edepmode” command in Serpent2 : Input syntax manual - Serpent Wiki).
What I am trying to do is explain the huge differences I encountered across tallies for the same system between Serpent2 and OpenMC.
Here is my code :
Materials definition
mat = openmc.Material()
materials = openmc.Materials([mat])
Geometry defintion
sphere = openmc.Sphere()
inside = -sphere
sphere.r = 6.39157
sphere.boundary_type = ‘vacuum’
fuel = openmc.Cell()
fuel.fill = mat
fuel.region = inside
geometry = openmc.Geometry([fuel])
The exact same specifications and the same database (ENDF B VII.1) are used for both codes.
And here are the tallies results :
OpenMC :
flux 4.6985563774625545 0.00012531146042234445
inverse-velocity 3.741619004300651e-09 1.7010891996524724e-13
heating 55506645.00148293 1436.9080313350564
k_combined 1.0008284918766601 2.4688889916300313e-05
beta eff 0.002045324880571339 1.0802094095533329e-08
Serpent2 :
impKeff 1.000857 4.182993652567228e-05
totPower 65965093.75000001 2720.8168904348677
totFlux 4.69654775 0.0001713967881097879
adjIfpAnaBetaEff 0.0018457935 7.719006695098435e-06
adjIfpLifetime 2.8785955e-09 1.0152401509507941e-12
How can we explain the differences, especially between the power/heating and inverse-velocity/lifetime ?
Thank you for your help.