'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

Hello everyone,

I got an error like this:

'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I guess, the problem is in my core lattice universes. Can anyone tell what should I do?


This is an error from Python itself telling you that you can’t use [ ] operators on an object that is None. If you’re able to share the snippet of your code where this is happening, it would help identify what you need to fix.

I have sent the code to you via private message

For a few of your lattices, you are setting the wrong attribute for universes:

latkar2.universes_ = ...
latkar20.universes_ = ...

which should be:

latkar2.universes = ...
latkar20.universes = ...

I can see why this confused you – the error message is not very useful in this case. I’ll look into submitting a fix that should produce a better error message in this situation.

Thanks @paulromano , I get it .

Best Regard

Hi @paulromano , I have managed to get rid of the “Nonetype Subscriptable” error. However, I get another error “std::out of range stoi” when running openmc, I think that the error is in the geometry arrangement that I created. Can you help me to fix the error?

This was answered here: