Neutron shielding simulation stops to work when I include photons

I am trying to make a shielding calculation for a neutron source I aldready did with MCNP6. Everything works quite well when I transport only neutrons but, if I try to make a coupled neutron-photon transport simulation (setting photon_transport to “true”), the programme stops after a few batches and I need to re-start the terminal. Can it be a memory problem? I am using a Macbook now and not a cluster but I am a little surprised that including photon transport can requires a significant inclrease of computing resource.

When you say the program stops, do you mean it completely aborts? or does it just hang with no apparent progress?

I mean it hang with no aparent progress.

This is probably not an issue with memory. Running out of memory will usually cause the execution to abort entirely as opposed to just hanging. Are you able to share your model or a simplified version of it that exhibits the same problem? Without that, it is hard to figure out what might be going on.

Sure. It is nothing confidential.
I put the files in:

As I am not familiar with Python, I am using the xml files to describe geometry, materials, settings and tallies.

@josem I noticed an error in your materials.xml file:

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 	<material id="3" name="cadmium metal">
 		<density value="8.65" units="g/cm3"/>
-		<nuclide name="Cd106" ao="0.0125">
+		<nuclide name="Cd106" ao="0.0125"/>
 		<nuclide name="Cd108" ao="0.0089"/>
 		<nuclide name="Cd110" ao="0.1249"/>
 		<nuclide name="Cd111" ao="0.128"/>

After I make that change, I’m able to run the model with no issues.

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Thank you so much! I must be careful about typo errors.