Hi, I am new to use OpenMC, and want to learn by example, I have the problem modeled in Serpent and want to model the same with OpenMC, please write the OpenMC version of the given input file
Serpent version:
set title “cylMCFR radius 19.0, height 100.0, reflector 25.0”
%surface definitions____________________
surf 1 cylz 0.0 0.0 19.0 % fuel
surf 2 cylz 0.0 0.0 44.0 % reflector
%cell definitions_______________________
cell 30 re refl 1 -2 % radial reflector
cell 80 0 fill re 1 -2
cell 50 fs fuelsalt -1 % fuel salt
cell 85 0 fill fs -1
cell 99 0 outside 2
% Fuel salt: 66.66%NaCl + 33.34%UCl3, U enrichment 0.93
mat fuelsalt -3.16391796 rgb 240 30 30 burn 1 tmp 900.000
11023.09c -0.100274788825 % Na-23
17035.09c -0.289847995589 % Cl-35
17037.09c -0.096758222661 % Cl-37
92234.09c -0.004225929437 % U-234
92235.09c -0.476858378996 % U-235
92236.09c -0.002202896269 % U-236
92238.09c -0.029831788223 % U-238
% MgO reflector
mat refl -3.5 tmp 873.0 rgb 75 75 75
12024.06c 1.0
8016.06c 1.0
set mvol fuelsalt 0 226822.98958918
set pop 100000 240 40 % N pop and criticality cycles
set power 300000.0 % Power, 300 thermal kW
set bc 1 % vacuum
ene six_group 1 1E-11 7.485E-4 5.5308E-3 2.47875E-2 0.4979 2.2313 12
set gcu re fs % group constant generation in unis fs and re
set nfg six_group
set micro nj20
det default n
dn 1
0 44 25 % 25 radial bins, 0 to 44
0 360 1 % 1 angual bin, 0 to 360 deg
-25 125 75 % 75 axial bin, -25 to 125
de six_group
% Data Libraries
set acelib “/opt/JEFF-3.3/sss_jeff33.xsdir”
set declib “/opt/JEFF-3.3/jeff33.dec”
set nfylib “/opt/JEFF-3.3/jeff33.nfy”
% Plots
plot 3 1500 1500
plot 2 1500 1500