Mesh plot problem

Hi everyone,

I met a strange problem when I was using mesh tally to present the neutron flux distribution. The geometry of this model is four UO2 assemblies array surrounded by water, and a 2D mesh tally was defined to cover the assemblies and water region. But in the results visualization process, the assemblies appeared at different areas with the geometry definition.

I tried to redefine the mesh plot and check the codes, but I can not find a clue to fix it. I’ll put the geometry plot, mesh plot and the tally setting files in the attachment. If anybody knows where is the problem, please let me know.

# Load the statepoint file

tally=sp.get_tally(name=‘flux tally’)

thermal_flux=flux.get_slice(filters=[openmc.EnergyFilter], filter_bins=[((0, 0.625),)])

plt.imshow(thermal_flux.mean, interpolation=‘none’)

Above is part of the results visualization code. If there is something error here, please let me know. Thanks for your help in advance.

Best wishes,


tallies.xml (533 Bytes)

tallies.out (733 KB)


Hi Yiming,

The imshow function in matplotlib default to putting the (0,0) value in the upper-left corner rather than the lower-left. If you pass the keyword argument origin=‘lower’ to imshow, it will vertically flip the image to match what the data that OpenMC gives you.

Best regards,