MD5 checksum error


I was configuring the cross section data from NNDC using “openmc-get-nndc-data” but received an error stating “MD5 checksum for ENDF-B-VII.1-neutron-293.6K.tar.gz. does not match.”
Please help me solve it.


Hi Shubham,

I would try rerunning the script to see if you still run into the same problem. It’s possible the download aborted midway through, which would cause problems with the checksum. When you rerun, I would also clear out any partially downloaded copies of the .tar.gz files in the directory you are running from.

As an alternative, we have the NNDC cross sections already converted to the HDF5 format needed by OpenMC (these cross sections are used for our automated testing). If you are using version 0.10.0 of OpenMC, you can download them here. If you are using the latest developmental version (‘develop’ branch on github), you would need to download the newer version here.

Best regards,