Loading material from Depletion Previous Results using .h5 or Material.xml

Hello, OpenMC expert.
My OpenMC project is to make the density of coolant converged in every depletion steps.

Here is how my program work.

So, when the density is not converged, I use the old depletion_results.h5 file to simulation the same time step again. After the density converged I save the new density to Material.xml file.

So, I was wonder about material using in OpenMC depletion.
I found that in openmc.deplete prev_results may pull the material from depletion_results.h5.
openmc.deplete.abc β€” OpenMC Documentation

This is the depletion command to use prev_reults
r = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5('depletion_results.h5')
operator = openmc.deplete.Operator(stacktest0, settings_file,"./chain_casl_pwr.xml", prev_results=r)

Then I don’t know how OpenMC prev_results actually works. I have thought 2 way.

  1. When having Material.xml in the directory and when it use prev_results the OpenMC will use Material.xml
  2. OpenMC will use material from depletion_results.h5 for next burnup.

Thank you.

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I Figure out that previous_result option use the result from depletion.h5 (not material.xml) by changing the the temperature before continue running, Is there any way to edit the density/compostion of the material in hdf5 before reume the calculation using previous_result option.

So I can update the material in my multiphysic loop calculation with out having to run at 0 everytime like
0 β†’ 2 Mwd/kg , stop and update the composition xml then have to run at 2 again as 0 Mwd/kg
2 (0) β†’ 3 (1) Mwd/kg

or else update it via new material .xml ?
Thank you

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