There’s no “easy” way to do this, but depending on the shape of your boundary, there may be several ways to achieve it. For starters, if your boundary is an x-, y- or z-plane, you can use openmc.stats.CartesianIndependent
to specify a distribution over each of the directions. For example, to have a source on a plane at z=5 that extends from x=-10 to 10 and y=-10 to 10:
x_dist = openmc.stats.Uniform(-10, 10)
y_dist = openmc.stats.Uniform(-10, 10)
z_dist = openmc.stats.Discrete([5.0], [1.0])
spatial_dist = openmc.stats.CartesianIndependent(x_dist, y_dist, z_dist)
Then you would need an angular distribution. For example, if you wanted a monodirectional distribution facing in the negative z direction:
angle_dist = openmc.stats.Monodirectional((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))
Then put these together in a source object
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.source = openmc.Source(space=spatial_dist, angle=angle_dist)
If this is not a viable approach, you could create a source file manually with source points distributed on the boundary
n_source = 10000
source_particles = []
for _ in range(n_source):
# sample position/angle/energy of source site using Python
p = openmc.SourceParticle(...)
openmc.write_source_file(source_particles, "my_source.h5")
Then specify in the settings to use this file:
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.source = openmc.Source(filename="my_source.h5")
Finally, your last option might be to write a C++ custom source routine.