How to decrease Leakage Fraction

Hello, I am new here
I am just run the code and then I got result like this

Combined k-effective = 0.56833 +/- 0.00348
Leakage Fraction = 0.19995 +/- 0.00326

I think, My leakage fraction is too big, I know how to increase k-eff value but I haven’t solved this problem
can anyone give an option what should i do to decrease that value

One method of decreasing leakage is increasing the geometry size. Another method is introducing some suitable reflector material.

What kind of geometry are you modelling?

Thanks for your response,
My geometry is hexagonal, I have tried your method and it works. Previously I have used reflector in my model, it was SS316.

Sorry, I want to ask you more. Have you ever tried modeling MOX fuel? how much Pu should be in MOX?

How much MoX is a difficult question as it depends on many variables. For example fuel pitch, fuel radius (to some extent), assembly pitch etc. So how much MoX depends on your specific geometry/problem

Okey @khurrum , thanks for your response.

Best Regard,